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Term: Corbel
A decorative use of brick atop the windows, walls or chimney or to create the shape of a bracket or dentil at the top of a building beneath the cornice.
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Term: Corner
A point, on a boundary of land, at which two or more boundary lines meet. It is not the same as a monument, which is the physical evidence of the corner's location on the ground.
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Term: Cornice
A cornice is the finished edge of the roof where it meets the exterior wall, of varying sizes, sometime plain, but often decorative and marked by brackets, dentils, medallions or some other decorative feature.
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A corporation created or continued under the Condominium Act.
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The trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side adjacent to an acute angle (in a right-angled triangle) to the hypotenuse.
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Term: Council
The council of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors
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Term: Course
The route or direction followed by a road, or river or boundary line.
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Term: Court
A body of people presided over by a judge, judges, or magistrate, and acting as a tribunal in civil and criminal cases.
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The average value of the quantity x(r1) * x(r2); where x is a randomly varying function of the variable r, and r1 and r2 are two given values of r. Covariance describes the interdependence between variables and is typically expressed in a variance-covariance matrix where the diagonal elements are the variances of the corresponding variables, and those off the main diagonal are the covariance values.
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Term: Covenant
A promise given in writing in a document that has a person's seal on it along with their signature.
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An iron or steel pin at least five millimetres in diameter and at least five centimetres long.
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A low retaining wall at the edge of a roof or porch with a uniform pattern of openings creating a battlement. In medieval times the openings were used for the defense of fortresses, hence the term battlement.
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Term: Cresting
Roof cresting is a lacy decorative fencing made of wrought iron, rimming the edge or peak of a roof, often seen in Second Empire (Mansard) style buildings.
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A maximum depth and velocity of flooding water in a floodplain such that further increases in depth and/or velocity may result in threats to life and property damage.
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Land belonging to the reigning sovereign or delegated provincial or federal authority.
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Term: Culvert
A tunnel carrying a stream or open drain under a road or railway.
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Term: Cupola
A cupola is a decorative, small, projecting tower at the top of the roof of a building, often square, round or octagonal in shape.
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Term: Cut
As in provide a cut signifying amount of dirt to be removed.
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Term: Cut Arrow
A surveyor's incision on a wall or with a pointed end signifying the location of a projected boundary line.
Source: Source

A document issued by a local building or zoning authority to the owner of premises attesting that the premises have been built and maintained according to the provisions of building or zoning ordinances, such as those that govern the number of fire exits or the safety of electrical wiring.
Source: Source