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A 2 foot long, 5/8-inch square, solid pointed piece of iron installed at property corners to permanently mark boundary locations; usually has embossed surveyor ID number inscribed on one side of bar at top for future identification.
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Relating to or denoting the system of non-metric weights and measures (the ounce, pound, stone, inch, foot, yard, mile, acre, pint, gallon, etc.).
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A term denoting the resistance to penetration by water or plant roots.
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This term is usually applied to an estate or right which cannot be defeated.
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Term: Indenture
In conveyance, formal written instrument made between two or more persons; the name is derived from the ancient practice of indenting or cutting the deed in a waving or saw-tooth line.
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Term: Ingress
The right or permission to go upon a place, the right of entrance; usually associated with vehicular and pedestrian ingress.
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Includes every document whereby title to land, in Ontario, may be transferred, disposed of, charged, encumbered or affected in any way: recorded in a land registry office and includes a Crown grant, a deed, conveyance, mortgage, assignment of mortgage, certificate of discharge of mortgage, assurance, lease, release, discharge, agreement for the sale or purchase of land, caution, municipal by-law, certificate of proceedings in any court, judgment or order of foreclosure, etc.
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The occupancy of a proposed unit before the purchaser receives a deed to the unit that is in registerable form.
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Mathematics insert (an intermediate value or term) into a series by estimating or calculating it from surrounding known values.
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Point to mark the intersection of one or more independently surveyed lines.
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When applied to two monuments, intervisible means that there is a clear line of sight between points 1.5 m above the ground at each monument.
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Term: Intestate
A person is said to die "intestate" when he dies without leaving a valid will to testify what his wishes were with respect to the disposal of his property after death.
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Term: Invert
Elevation of the inside of the bottom of a pipe or culvert.
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Term: Iron pipe
Older form of survey monumentation. Pipe set vertically to mark a property corner.
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Township or section lines not originally established as straight lines or which a retracement reveals as not having been surveyed as a straight line.
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A township lot whose boundaries according to the original plan do not conform within one degree to the bearings shown for the corresponding boundaries of the majority of the lots in the tier in which the lot occurs.
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